Regulations and Policies

Stay informed about the latest maritime regulations and policies, ensuring compliance with industry standards.
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The course "Food Handling Personnel" refers to activities that involve the handling of perishable food, in the stages of production, storage, preparation, cooking, packaging, distribution/administration and it is aimed at personnel with duties related to the administration and handling of food (barmen, waiters, cooks, etc.) in-service both ashore and onboard cargo and passenger ships.

Health and Wellbeing
39 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This Course is only intended for senior officers that are joining a Danish Flagged Vessel. Furthermore, it is only possible to attend, if an agreement exists for employment with a Danish Ship Owner, or an Operator of a Danish flagged vessel, as a Certificate of Recognition, only can be applied by the Employer.

6 hours and 39 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Corruption and bribery are traditionally seen as part of doing business in the maritime industry. These practices undermine the trust in the industry and need to be reported to stop them.

Human Resource
20 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course covers the main material included in the Advanced Oil Tanker Training course as set out by STCW. It is intended for all oil tanker personnel to refresh their knowledge as well as any prospective seafarers wanting to take the STCW oil tanker training in the future.

Deck Operations
4 hours and 32 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This is an introductory course for anyone who will work in archipelago traffic. In this course, you will learn the theoretical basics of maritime safety.

Personal Safety
59 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This incident is based on the experiences of the UK P&I Club. Accidents like the one in this course can and do happen. As you go through this course, ask yourself, "Could this happen on my ship?"

11 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The correct maintaining and filling-in of the oil record books are vital in ensuring compliance. It also provides evidence that the vessel is not polluting in contravention of the MARPOL regulations. All vessels over 400 grt must keep records of machinery space operations in the Oil Record Book Part 1 to comply with the MARPOL regulations.

11 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This course is in compliance with the training programme of the "Danish Shipping Legislation for Foreign Senior Officers Except for Master" approved by the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) in compliance with the requirement for the issuance of a Danish Recognition Certificate valid for service as foreign chief officer, chief engineer or second engineer on board Danish-flagged vessels.

5 hours and 0 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

In this course we will be looking at the role of the gangway watch keeper, the relevant legislation and the security of the vessel.

44 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This course introduces the legislation and guidance for Bridge Watch Handovers. The learner will explore the fundamental principles of handing over the watch as well as the practical applications.

30 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

It is a fundamental human right to not be subjected to threats, bad treatment or discrimination. In fact, this type of behaviour is illegal. It is regulated by legislation such as the Swedish Discrimination Act, but it is often difficult to know where to draw the line, or when to step in.

Human Resource
33 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

The IMO SOLAS and MARPOL conventions include regulations for the handling of cargo in packed form classified as dangerous or harmful for the environment with links to the IMDG code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code). According to the training provision in the IMDG section 1.3, a training for shore-side personnel shall be trained in General Awareness training. For seafarers, the STCW Code links to the same provision in the IMDG Code.

Cargo Handling
3 hours and 44 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2