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Designed for seafarers seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the maritime industry. These comprehensive courses cover a range of topics, including navigation, safety protocols, emergency procedures, and industry regulations.
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The correct maintaining and filling-in of the oil record books is vital in ensuring compliance and proving that the vessel is not polluting in contravention of the MARPOL regulations. All tankers greater than 150 grt must keep records of oil cargo operations in the Oil Record Book Part 2 to comply with the MARPOL regulations.

12 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This is a guide to self-inspecting & maintaining the Pilot Ladder. Courses from Navguide Solutions will help you learn on-job skills and improve your results in third-party Inspections, such as Port State, SIRE, Rightship, Audits, etc. They will also assist you in getting ready for promotions and becoming a thorough professional.

14 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Every year, many people become ill unnecessarily because of their food. This is usually a lack of procedures, ignorance, or sheer negligence. All employees in the company must take responsibility for food safety.

Health and Wellbeing
45 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Unlock the potential of Microsoft Office for beginners' personal and office productivity. This course covers the beginner's need-to-knows on Microsoft Power Automate Desktop, PowerPoint, Excel, and Designer to streamline your workflow and boost your efficiency.

Information Technology
42 minutes
Avg. rating 3.3

When working onboard, one is exposed to hazards and risks all the time. By raising awareness of the hazards, the likelihood can be decreased and thereby, also the potential risk. This course is intended to provide you with the fundamental knowledge of Risk Assessment onboard and give you a useful tool to handle potential risks.

Risk Management
33 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

In this course, we will talk about preventive conservation, what it is and how important it is. Art placement onboard the vessel and the importance of where it is placed will be discussed, together with object handling and cleaning do's and don'ts. Various case studies and anecdotal disaster stories will also be included to highlight the importance of preventive conservation. Unfortunately, such disasters stem from when personnel are unaware of what it takes to care for art or even unaware that what they're dealing with is art.

Interior and Service
45 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

As per International Safety Management Code, safety management objectives should provide for safe practices in ship operations and a safe working environment, together with an assessment of all identified risks. To achieve this goal, the company should establish a safety and environmental protection policy. Operating machinery must be clearly cut-off while maintenance is in progress and precautions should be taken to avoid unintentional power supply or pressurised fluid release.

25 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Cholelithiasis, or gallstones, is a highly prevalent medical problem especially in developed countries, affecting 10% to 15% of the adult population. It is also a leading cause of hospital admissions and health care utilisation related to gastrointestinal problems. Although some significant risk factors are non-modifiable such as advanced age, gender and heredity, some are also lifestyle-related such as obesity, rapid weight loss and sedentary lifestyle. Given the lifestyle-related risk factors of cholelithiasis, seafarers may be at increased risk due to the circumstances on board.

Avg. rating 4.6

This is a short guide to the Fireman's outfit and the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. Courses from Navguide Solutions will help you learn on-job skills and improve your results in third-party Inspections, such as Port State, SIRE, Rightship, Audits, etc. They will also assist you in getting ready for promotions, and becoming a thorough professional.

This course does not cover any details of documentation.

10 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course explains all the basic principles of weather formation.

25 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) is a standard assessment used by tanker owners and operators in order to identify any operational deficiencies in their fleet or their ship. VIQ, Vessel Inspection Questionnaire, is a document within the SIRE, which offers and ensures ships' safety by means of additional safety precautions for all tankers. Chapter 12 of the VIQ covers Operations in Ice and Polar Waters. In this course, we will discuss this chapter and common observations that are found by vetting inspectors with regard to operations in polar waters.

51 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

The interaction among members of a team before, during and after a job is referred to as team communication. The ability of every team member to effectively send, receive and verify messages, instructions and other information is critical in ensuring safety on board.

Risk Management
20 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5