Human Behaviour

Gain insights into human factors in maritime operations, understanding how behavior, communication, and decision-making impact safety and efficiency at sea.
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This is a comprehensive introduction to First Aid and the techniques for administering basic medical care.

2 hours and 4 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Harassment and bullying are unwanted behaviours that intimidate, humiliate, degrade or threaten a person. They should neither be accepted nor tolerated.

Leadership and Management
26 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This course covers the MARPOL regulations for Annex 1 as well as the means of compliance onboard ships with these regulations.

Environment and Sustainability
26 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Asbestos on board ships, although contained in set quantities, can still be present. It is therefore necessary that the personnel operating on board the vessels, as well as the Prevention and Protection Service Manager, are adequately informed and trained about the potential risks associated with a context in which, there is asbestos in the workplace.

Risk Management
29 minutes
Avg. rating 4.1

In this course, Crowd Management, you will get crucial information on how to handle crowds and people during crises and emergencies. Traveling with several hundred, closer to a few thousand passengers, and being responsible for their lives is just a regular day within the shipping industry.

Human Resource
43 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Det är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet att inte utsättas för hot, diskriminering eller bli illa behandlad. I själva verket är denna typ av beteende olagligt och regleras av lagstiftning i form av diskrimineringslagen. Men det är ofta svårt att veta var man ska dra gränsen, eller när man ska ingripa.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.1

Denna kurs är en introduktionsutbildning för dig som ska arbeta i skärgårdstrafik. I denna utbildning kommer du att lära dig de teoretiska grunderna i sjösäkerhet.

Emergency Procedures
53 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3