Interior and Service

Focus on the interior aspects of a ship, emphasising cleanliness, service protocols, and creating a comfortable living and working environment for crew members and exceptional environment for guests.

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The galley is crucial to the operational effectiveness of any ship as it provides food for all crew members. It should be properly and hygienically run to ensure that ship personnel remain healthy and can be looked after properly.

Interior and Service
2 hours and 57 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

A varied diet is a key to staying healthy. This course teaches you more about nutrients and vitamins, and how you can create various dishes providing the right kind of energy and fit many. Not to forget, courses that look delicious to eat.

Health and Wellbeing
53 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The present course has been created to meet the requirements of D. Lgs. 271/99, Art. 1 Letter g). It provides the information and training required to the crew to maintain the safety of the workplace by being aware of the potential risks involved in living and working on a ship. The course will also help to understand the responsibilities and relations involved in the D. Lgs. 271/99 implementation, guiding the Seafarers in the correct flow of operations onboard, including the duties and responsibilities of each Crew member and the special functions appointed by the Company.

Regulations and Policies
1 hour and 31 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This Napkin Folding course is a Learning Experience designed to develop your skills and knowledge in delivering and managing top-class services onboard superyachts and understanding table linen and tablecloth-related topics.

Interior and Service
38 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The Logistics course is divided into two parts, Art Management: Logistics Handling and Packing which is this one and another course, Art Management: Logistics Transport and Storage which will cover different aspects of the module.

The purpose of these courses is to give you all the tools you need to know about in order to move artwork from A to B.

Interior and Service
43 minutes
Avg. rating 5.0

In this course, we will talk about preventive conservation, what it is and how important it is. Art placement onboard the vessel and the importance of where it is placed will be discussed, together with object handling and cleaning do's and don'ts. Various case studies and anecdotal disaster stories will also be included to highlight the importance of preventive conservation. Unfortunately, such disasters stem from when personnel are unaware of what it takes to care for art or even unaware that what they're dealing with is art.

Interior and Service
45 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

Navguide Solutions courses will assist in maintaining your vessel in all respects and improve your results in third-party Inspections, like Port State, SIRE, Rightship, Flag state inspections, audits, etc. This will also assist in bolstering your knowledge and skill, which in turn will help boost your self-confidence and groom you into a thorough marine professional ready for promotions and dealing with challenges onboard.

Let’s embark on this journey to empower you to develop an eye, to spot non-compliance and eventually turn you into a highly valuable member of the ship's team.

10 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2

The course Art Appreciation: Materials and Media explains and helps understand what one is looking at, its value and how to interact with art when potentially buying it and enjoying it in a museum or gallery.

Additionally, when responsible for managing art while working for an art collector, understanding the media that one works with is vital for it to be adequately looked after and handled.

Interior and Service
1 hour and 10 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0

Copyright is a property. This is the one rule you need to know!

It is something you can own or give away. If you paint something, you have an automatic right over it for your entire life and for (in most countries) 70 years after your death. Even Picasso and other artists' doodles on napkins bear rights as they are by a unique creator.

Interior and Service
19 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Welcome to our course on art appreciation. Here we review Art in Our Society - it is relevant because of the billions of pounds of fine art on superyachts. It is essential to appreciate and understand this one differentiating factor for owners - their treasured pieces on display.
Art is there to be enjoyed by everyone; it's part of our cultural heritage, collective consciousness and where we've come from. This course is going to illustrate that for you.

Interior and Service
43 minutes
Avg. rating 4.9

This course provides detailed information regarding the relationship between art logistics and sustainability. We will be sharing with you the current status of the sustainability concept. Remembering that superyacht owners are often art collectors and owners of valuable assets, we examine art dealers' concerns. We discuss how art players have responded to this crucial issue and share how it relates to the Superyacht environment.

Interior and Service
35 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Onboard art collections can be worth more than the superyacht itself. Successfully caring for prestigious objects presents interior crew at all levels with unique challenges. Risks are categorised by environmental damage, human intervention, moving and handling things, and falling foul of legal pitfalls with particular cultural objects.

Interior and Service
29 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6