Leadership and Management

Develop leadership and management skills relevant to the maritime context, emphasising effective decision-making and team coordination.

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This is a comprehensive introduction to First Aid and the techniques for administering basic medical care.

3 hours and 6 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

In this course, we will look at the importance of Equality & Diversity in an organisation. We will understand what is meant by 'equality' and 'diversity' and how we can implement this in our workplace.

Human Resource
1 hour and 8 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Have you ever been tired to the extent that it impacts your physical or mental capabilities? Fatigue; the state of feeling tired, weary or sleepy is a major concern. However, with strong awareness and proper management of fatigue, you can prevent, eliminate and reduce any risk that it may pose not only to your own safety and health but also to those around you.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Harassment and bullying are unwanted behaviours that intimidate, humiliate, degrade or threaten a person. They should neither be accepted nor tolerated.

Leadership and Management
26 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

It is a fundamental human right to not be subjected to threats, bad treatment or discrimination. In fact, this type of behaviour is illegal. It is regulated by legislation such as the Swedish Discrimination Act, but it is often difficult to know where to draw the line, or when to step in.

Human Resource
33 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

In an environment with a speak-up culture, everyone is free and safe to express themselves and feel appreciated for doing so. When you encourage your crew to speak up — and therefore promote a speak-up culture — you empower them, keep them involved and feel confident that their input is valued.

Leadership and Management
15 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

All crew members, regardless of rank, make small and big decisions to solve various challenges in their work and personal lives. While some decisions can be made easily, most can be handled better if a logical and structured approach is utilised.

Leadership and Management
21 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

Ships are extremely complex environments, containing various hazards and risks. Due to this, a need arises to make the risks bearable in order to ensure the maximum safety of the crew, the vessel itself, and the environment. In order to achieve this result, a process to identify, evaluate and address all the risks relevant enough to endanger the crew, the vessel, or the environment is created. This risk assessment will ensure a proper analysis of the likelihood and potential consequences of each identified hazard or risk.

Risk Management
1 hour and 11 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Active listening is when you give your full attention to the speaker, understand the complete meaning of their message and respond to it. Through active listening, a listener shows interest, respect and consideration to the speaker.

Leadership and Management
22 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The purpose of this course is to provide Engineers and shore superintendents with a basic knowledge of the source, use and precautions to be taken when using fuel oils on board ships. It covers Bunkering operations and the dubious practices used by some suppliers.

2 hours and 2 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This Engine Room Rounds course shows the learner how to conduct rounds of the engine room in a structured way, and what equipment checks to carry out in the machinery spaces of typical large ships.

34 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

As an engine room team member you have a vital role. You have to combine an understanding of the ship’s machinery with an awareness of company procedure, while all the time maintaining high safety standards.
In engine room watchkeeping, there is also another factor - teamwork. It is crucial both deck and engineering personnel bear in mind they are part of one team, not just within their own department but with each other. For example, now the majority of main propulsion plants are directly controlled from the bridge, this has brought the deck and engineering departments closer together.

1 hour and 21 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0